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The Midnight Sun is a tabloid newspaper appearing in Deus Ex. Multiple issues of the newspaper appear throughout the game. A special edition of the newspaper, with articles not found in-game, is included with Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition.

In-game newspapers[]

Mead from Mars![]

CAPE CANAVERAL -- NASA scientists confirmed that the eroded remains of the Alba Patera crater on Mars precisely match the face of President Mead. "It's him!" declared Senior Planetary Specialist Kevlar Umla. "There's his nose, that ridge, see? See the crater rim marking his hairline? The way he combs his hair appearing in this region of parallel valleys?"

The White House had no comment. However, Martin Wisdom, president of EA (Enemies of Aliens), told Midnight Sun: "This is the evidence we have been looking for, a warning that Mr. Mead is not human. He is probably a Martian General, a war hero, come here to conquer the Earth with the assistance of the United Nations." -- Ryan Allan, Staff Writer

U.S. Prez Sells Out[]

NEW YORK -- President Philip Riley Mead's executive order repaying the United States debt to the United Nations is viewed by many as a positive step towards global peace -- but others sense darker motives at work. Some sources have privately commented that the order is nothing more than a tacit endorsement of a new world government and its private military, the United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition (UNATCO).

Few can forget Mead's impassioned declaration that the shattered Statue of Liberty would not be repaired but instead stand as a reminder that "terrorism must be eradicated if we are to be free." It was shortly thereafter that Liberty Island was selected as the location of UNATCO headquarters, their dubious charter highlighted by the mysterious and still largely unexplained circumstances behind the Statue bombing.

No doubt President Mead's words will be remembered, even as he sells out his country to the foreign powers that have sought to destroy it for nearly three centuries. -- Joe Greene, Senior Staff Writer

Gray Death: Look to the Sky[]

NEW YORK -- No student of recent history can fail to miss the irony that the greatest enemy mankind has faced in the 21st century was not any despot or dictator, but the lowly microbe. Millions upon millions have been killed by the pandemics of AIDS, resistant tuberculosis, and the Century Flu, and now we face our greatest threat yet: the "Gray Death," a plague of devastating efficiency that has surfaced in the last year.

But was this plague an accident of nature, or a design of science? Dr. Kenji Ishii of the New World Biomedical Health Center in New York thinks not. "My analysis of this plague indicates that it is decidedly unnatural in origin, and in point of fact, may be extraterrestrial." He went on to speculate about those afflicted. "Obviously, a disproportionate number of the indigent seem to be infected, a situation that makes perfect sense if you consider it prelude to an invasion. No more effective way to disrupt the social, political, and military fabric of Earth has yet been devised."

If this is so, then what are our leaders not telling us? And how can we be prepared? Only they know they answers. -- Joe Greene, Senior Staff Writer

Giant Rat Stalks New York?[]

NEW YORK -- In recent weeks a rash of mutilated corpses -- many of them found near docks, subways, or sewers -- has garnered nothing but indifference from the NYPD. "Isolated and unremarkable" in the words of one police spokesperson. But while the police seem content to categorize these horrible crimes as nothing more than simple cases of homicide or suicide among the poor and indigent, eyewitness accounts tell a different and all together more frightening story.

"'s a monster, 'nnit?" says Dickie Cork, a sailor aboard the Matilda Briggs out of Sumatra. "Thing looked like a rat, it did, only it was big, 'bout the size of a lion or sumthin'."

Numerous other witnesses all telling remarkably similar accounts of the creature have come forward in recent weeks, but the police refuse to act calling the descriptions "ludicrous" without any further investigation. But regardless of the truth, the police choose to sit idly by as the killings continue and poor, law-abiding citizens pay the price. -- Joe Greene, Senior Staff Writer

Black Helicopters a "Concern" Says Senator[]

As sightings of ominous "black helicopters" become increasingly common across the country, from Manhattan to the SoCal shores, many citizens have grown concerned that these gunships are actually a sign that troops may be preparing to mobilize for some unknown action.

"Certainly this concerns me," said Senator Harry Jarvis (D-Texas), a member of the Armed Services Committee. "I intend to bring this up in our next committee meeting and ask some hard questions."

UNATCO Director Joseph Manderley was more skeptical. "If black helicopters were really being used for 'covert operations,' then those responsible are doing a poor job of it." Manderley went on to say that UNATCO employed no such aircraft and declined to pursue the matter any further claiming that it detracted from the "serious nature of [our] mission." -- Joe Greene, Senior Staff Writer

Food of the Gods?[]

NEW YORK -- Ambrosia, the mythical food of the gods, may in fact be something more than a myth -- it may be a cure for the mysterious "Gray Death" that has infected this city with sickening dread over the past several months. What is this Ambrosia, and where does it come from? Speaking on the condition of anonymity, highly placed sources have revealed in an exclusive to the "Midnight Sun" that Ambrosia is the government codename for a cure to the plague that has already taken so many lives. Unfortunately, the current manufacturing process appears to yield only small amounts of Ambrosia which have so far been prioritized for ranking government officials and a select group of industry leaders. "It's a matter of money and connections," said one source. "There simply isn't enough to go around."

If such allegations are true then it goes far beyond the terrible events of recent memory: it is evidence of systemic corruption that rises to the highest ranks of President Mead's administration, a callous disregard for human life that must -- and will -- be opposed! -- Joe Greene, Senior Staff Writer

In-game locations[]

  • "Mead from Mars!" - In the UNATCO Headquarters break room during the first visit to the headquarters
  • "Gray Death: Look to the Sky" - In Alex Jacobson's office during the first visit to the headquarters
  • "U.S. Prez Sells Out" - In the west office in Level 1 of the UNATCO Headquarters, during the first visit to the headquarters
  • "Giant Rat Stalks New York?" - In the Warehouse District, across the fence from the ground starting position, near a wall-mounted LAM
  • "Black Helicopters a 'Concern' Says Senator" - This article appears four times during the 3rd mission: On a bench near Rock in the Brooklyn Bridge Station, in the men's restroom in the Brooklyn Bridge Station, in the west office of the first floor of the LaGuardia Helibase, and in the room near Lebedev in his aircraft
  • "Food of the Gods?" - Near the entrance to the Free Clinic during the third visit to Hell's Kitchen.

Game of the Year Edition newspaper[]


The Midnight Sun newspaper in the Game of the Year Edition (the pdf version is also available)

The Straight Skinny[]

By Joe Greene

As if government thugs weren’t bad enough, now we have to worry about government monsters too.

I’m talking about nanotech, friends. It’s more than just the annoying business buzzword of the month, it’s real, and it’s really scary.

Egghead types and government stooges will tell you that nanotech is the greatest thing since our protozoan ancestors decided sex was more fun than fission. Me, I think it’s the most frightening technology since the H-bomb. No, it’s the most frightening technology ever!

Oh sure it has its uses. Now, instead of keeping a whole socket set, I have a tool that can fit itself to the head of any bolt or screw. Nifty.

What scares me, though, is the thought of what nanotech can do to a human being. Oh, it’s coming … the dawn of the “nanoaugmented” government thug. If you’re like me, you get a little queasy every time you have to pass by one of those “mechs.” They have all that chrome where they should have skin, and if you get close enough you can hear the little motors inside humming away. They always smell faintly of motor oil. Worst of all, of course, is that you know that they could pick you up in one hand and tear your legs off with the other, just as easy as you unwrap a candy bar, if only they wanted to.

Nasty as it is, all that chrome and plastic at least means that you can spot a mech coming. When the nano-agent arrives he’ll be able to peel the most powerful mech like a banana and—here’s the scary part—he’ll look just like you or me.

Imagine some perfectly normal-looking guy, only he’s got a 15-foot vertical jump, and he can lift almost a ton, and he’s got skin that bullets bounce off of (or if they don’t, the little nano-bugs in his system can repair any damage almost as soon as it occurs). Worst of all, his body and soul are literally bought and paid for by your Friends in Government.

This is, of course, the tyrant’s dream and the free man’s worst nightmare. The coming of the nano-agent is going to mean nothing short of the end of any hope of civil disobedience in this country. Hell, it’ll probably mean the end of this country as well, because—as good old Dr. Frankenstein discovered—when you create something that powerful, it’s eventually going to want to get you out of the way and take whatever you have for itself.

Secret Govt. Gulag: FEMA To Detain Six Million Americans[]

From Midnight Sun staff reports

FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, has a top-secret plan to detain and quarantine as many as six million Americans at secret “Detention Centers.” Top-secret government documents received by the Midnight Sun from high-placed sources reveal the existence of the plan, codenamed “RX 84.”

According to the documents, the RX 84 plan provides for the “apprehension and detention of citizens deemed to be dangerous to the continuance of public order.” The documents do not give the locations of the camps where detainees are to be taken, but they do reveal that there are at least 11 sites worldwide, with a total capacity of up to 6 million in all camps combined.

The plan kicks in in the event of an “emergency,” which the documents define as “invasion, concerted military strike, civil disruption, natural disaster, pandemic or other condition deemed an imminent threat to the safety and stability of the country.” Once an emergency is declared by FEMA, the police and National Guard are to be mobilized to conduct sweeps through designated areas, rounding up the citizens under the guise of sending them to “aid shelters.” The detained citizens will then be loaded on trucks and trains commandeered from civilian industry, and transported to the Detention Centers. Once at the centers, the detainees would be screened. Those deemed a threat to public security would be imprisoned, and the rest released to return home.

The Midnight Sun turned the documents over to respected Libertarian author and activist Sander Benedict for his review and analysis. In an exclusive interview, Benedict told the Sun that rumors of RX 84 had been circulating for years, but he had never before seen the plan so well documented. Benedict said he believed the documents were authentic, not counterfeits or hoaxes.

“The particularly disturbing aspect to this plan, even above the arbitrary arrest and imprisonment of thousands or millions of citizens without charge or trial,” Benedict said, “is that FEMA, specifically FEMA director Walton Simons, apparently has the power to initiate the decision unilaterally, without the authorization of any of the three branches of government.”

Benedict pointed out an allusion to the “Fawkes option,” in the documents. Although the term was not defined, Benedict said “we—that is, those of us concerned about government tyranny— have heard rumors of this plan for years. It’s believed that the Fawkes option involves the apprehension and imprisonment of any members of Congress, the Supreme Court, the administration and even the President himself, should FEMA come to believe them a hindrance to their plans.”

Benedict says that his sources indicate that the plan “encompasses mainly politically active racial and religious, as well as students and intellectuals. Of course dissidents, social misfits and those the government considers “troublemakers” will be specifically targeted as well.”

UN Gets Serious with Frenchies[]

From Wire Reports

Paris. The United Nations today announced a “major partnership” with the French government to locate and eradicate international terrorist organizations headquartered in France.

The plan will involve immediate phaseout of UNATCO forces already engaged in anti-terrorist activity, to be replaced with a new, more militaristic UN presence. The joint UN/French announcement called the new force “a completely new concept in national security, the most efficient anti-terrorist unit ever trained, with equipment that goes to the state of the art and beyond.”

The announcement singled out the anarchist/ terrorist organization Silhouette as the first and most important target of the new operation. In the U.S., Silhouette is best known for claiming credit for the bombing of the Statue of Liberty. Anti-UN organizations were quick to denounce the initiative. Writing from exile in the Caribbean, the French nationalist dissident known only as Merovech said in a release to the world’s press, “This is nothing more than the final phase of the U.N.’s ongoing efforts to supplant the Sovereign government of France. France is once more occupied by the forces of international fascism.”

Merovech also called Silhouette a “peaceful organization of dissident intellectuals,” and blamed the “UN and the government of the United States” for the statue bombing.

Gray Death Spreads to Rural Communities[]

From Wire Reports

Atlanta. The Gray Death epidemic is spreading rapidly into rural communities, according to a bulletin from the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta. Until now, the plague has been localized in major urban areas, and there was some hope that a large population concentration was required in order for the disease to spread.

The report states that rural infections now stand at 8.7 percent of area population, up from 2.4 percent six months ago. In urban centers, the infection rate has risen from 22.4% to 28.6% in the last six months. In all regions, the plague carries a fatality rate of 93% within the first 100 days of infection.

The CDC bulletin stated that no breakthroughs have occurred in the search for the plague’s origin, vectors or cure, but that government research programs continue.

Chinese Gang War: And You Thought We Had it Tough…[]

From Wire Reports

Hong Kong. A major gang war has erupted in Hong Kong between the traditional organized crime gangs, or “Triads,” of the city. Although the Chinese government officially denies it, representatives of the international press report that the so-called Luminous Path Triad, and its rival, the Red Arrow Triad, are engaged in a war for possession of the city center. Assassinations, bombings and terrorist acts are said to be at an all-time high.

The Triads are the traditional organizations of Chinese organized crime. Some Triads have histories of violence going back almost 2000 years.

According to reports, the main victims of this gang war have been the small businessmen and entrepreneurs of Hong Kong. These merchants have long paid “protection” to one Triad or the other. However because of the war, a merchant who is affiliated with one Triad now faces sabotage and harassment from the other. Furthermore, “protection” fees are going up, as the Triads seek funds to counter their losses from the conflict.

So far, the international conglomerates that compose the core of Hong Kong’s economy seem largely untouched by the violence. Informed sources say that government interference in the Triad war is unlikely as long as the international corporations and government agencies remain outside the conflict.

In recent weeks, Hong Kong civic authorities have stepped up the police presence in the streets. However, the police are believed to be largely in the employ of the Triads. While the police will sometimes take action to protect tourists and foreign businessmen, they do nothing to interfere between the Triads and ordinary citizens.

Last year, Hong Kong installed acoustic sensors in the inner city, designed to detect gunfire and alert police of any armed disturbance. In response, the Triads have largely turned to more ritualistic but equally bloody forms of traditional combat, including sword fighting and martial arts. Rumor has it that both Triads are funding major research operations to create high-tech hand-to-hand weapons immune to the acoustic sensors.

What Is It? “California Dino” Seen by Dozens[]

Dozens in rural California have reported catching glimpses of a mysterious “dinosaur” or “bear-lizard” creature. Sightings range from Big Sur to Mt. Shasta. The image above—snapped by 15-year-old hiker Lacey Gonzales in a park just outside of Carmel—is the only known photographic image of the shy creature.

Are We Really Secure?[]

A refurbished security bot took out Uranus and Neptune at the Hayden Planetarium in New York City last night. No one was hurt, but significant damage was done to exhibits and building infrastructure. No official statements as to cause of the attack. Authorities have stated that although investigations continue, they believe a malfunction may be behind the bot’s behavior, rather than an actual break-in attempt or other external trigger. All tours are suspended until planets can be recreated. For the entire story, turn to Bot Insecurity, page G9.


  • Joe Greene, a regular writer for The Midnight Sun appears as a character in Deus Ex. He poses as a journalist searching for his next story but in reality he is a spy for Majestic 12.


  • The article "Giant Rat Stalks New York?" contains a reference to The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire, in which Sherlock Holmes mentions to Watson the case of the ship Matilda Briggs and the Giant Rat of Sumatra, identifying it as "a story for which the world is not yet prepared."