Deus Ex Wiki
Picus Conf office

Stella Bogh's office in the Picus sub-basement.

The Picus Confidential office computers are a group of computers in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. They are located in offices throughout the Picus Confidential sub-basement in the Picus Communications building.

Angeo Joseph's computer[]

This computer can be found in the security office on the sub-basements lower floor. The computer is unlocked.

You have to leave[]

FROM: Jack Mosher
TO: Angelo Joseph

I understand your concerns but you will have to leave the premises with the rest of the staff immediately, regardless of your concern for the safeguard of information.

These people are professionals and they KNOW what they're doing. If they need us out, I'm sure it's for a good reason.

My regards
Picus Security

Maxime Grenier's computer[]

Grenier's computer can be found in an office beside the armory on the upper floor of the sub-basement.

Our role[]

FROM: Émilie Masse
TO: Mtl_Picus_Confidential


With the rush of day operations, it's easy to lose focus and forget what the job is all about. As a reminder to all of you:

1) Minds and emotions can be influenced by the media.
a) A crowd has the mental age of a 5 year old child.
b) It is our mission to orient and guide the child to higher understanding.
c) That understanding must keep the right interest at heart.

2) Language and carefully chosen words are a form of influence.
a) Anyone can experience the world and express points of view.
b) Words are condensed ideas and the sole means for men to understand the world.
c) This is the power of Semiology and Rhetoric.

3) Control is in the delivery of information.
a) Knowledge is power.
b) Today, knowledge is based on information.
c) Controlling access and the flow of information is the key to power.
d) With this power comes responsibility.

A bit simplistic, I admit, but it gets the point across.

Émilie Masse
Division Supervisor
Picus Confidential

Armory computer[]

FROM: Gail Laskowski
TO: Maxime Grenier

Hello, Mr. Grenier.

Please note that if you need to access the PC Armory in Mrs. Todd's absence, the login is as follows:

LOGIN: Itodd

Gail Laskowski
Picus Security

Fred Laliberté's computer[]

This computer is in an office on the ground floor of Operating Area 3. It is unlocked.

Armory code[]

FROM: Tony Stock
TO: Fred Laliberté

The new code for the armory is 1980. Please inform our office 24 hrs in advance if you require access and include the proper paperwork in an attached e-mail to my department.

Many Thanks,
Tony Stock

Security risks[]

FROM: Sheryl Harris
TO: Mtl_Picus_Confidential

Hello all,

Due to various incidents in the past few months, we have restricted the electronic messaging to internal transfers only.

Anyone with a Picus Confidential address will only be able to send messages within the Picus Confidential mailing servers.

The job we do here is as crucial as it is secretive. I'm sure you all understand.

Future breaches will be met with severe measures.

Sheryl Harris
Security Supervisor
Picus Confidential

Stella Bogh's computer[]

Stella Bogh's computer can be found within her office which overlooks Operating Area 3. The computer is unlocked so no login details are needed.


FROM: Robert Matta
TO: Stella Bogh

Est-ce que a t'arrive de te demander si on a vraiment le droit de faire ce qu'on fait ici?

Je veux dire, obviously, on a pas le droit. On ment, on fabrique de l'information, in manipule l'opinioin publique, mais je veux dire, récemment je commence à réellement me demander ce que je fais ici.

Au début, je croyais que le public n'était pas en mesure de prendre les bonnes décisions de toute manière. Que de le manipuler ainsi était un mal nécessaire. Et aussi, ya une partie de moi un peu nihiliste qui se dit que tout se vaut et ne vaut pas grand chose au final.

Mais je sais pas... on dirait que j'ai comme une petite graine de moralié qui commence à pousser.

Ten penses quoi?


English translation[]

Does it ever occur to you to ask yourself if we really have the right to do what we're doing here?
I mean, obviously, we don't have the right. We lie, we fabricate information, we manipulate the public opinion, but I mean, recently I've really started to ask myself what I'm doing here.
At first, I thought the public wasn't capable of making good decisions no matter what. That manipulating them in this way was a necessary evil. Also, there's a part of me that's a little nihilistic and thinks that anything goes, and it doesn't really matter in the end.
But I don't know... it looks like I have a little seed of doubt that is starting to grow.
What do you think?

Our role[]

Same as Our role, above.

Brian Shupper's computer[]

Shupper's computer can be found in his office on the sub level floor of the sub-basement. It has a security rating of 3; the login is bshupper and the password is widget.

Security Hub login[]

FROM: Gail Laskowski
TO: Brian Shupper

Hello, Mr. Shupper.

Please advise Mr. Corbo that according to security procedures we've changed his login information.

This is standard procedure and there is no cause for alarm.

LOGIN: pcorbo
PASSWORD: spitfire

Gail Laskowski
Picus Security

Our role[]

Same as Our role, above.

Pierre-Luc Poliquin's computer[]

This computer, which is unlocked, is located in an office on the sub level.

About Robert[]

FROM: Stella Bogh
TO: Pierre-Luc Poliquin

About Robert... you were right. I think he could become a liability. For some strange reason, he suddenly developed a conscience about what we do here. I don't know what to do. He's a good guy and I don't want anything bad to happen to him... but I felt I needed to report this...



FROM: Philip Kingry
TO: Mtl_Picus_Confidential


This is just a short message to congratulate everyone on the handling of the Washington Hearings.

This was a very important issue lying at the very heart of the interests we at Picus aim to defend. According to various analysts and poll firms, our campaign around the Hearings made the pro-regulation parties gain as high as 32 points in various polls.


Philip Kingry
Special Projects
Picus Confidential
