Deus Ex Wiki

Computer is a skill in Deus Ex. At trained or higher, this skill enables the player to hack into computer systems in order to tamper with security systems, steal money, or view private e-mails. Like all skills, the computer skill can be leveled up by spending skill points.


Computer Computer
The covert manipulation of computers and security consoles.
Level Skill Points Description
Untrained N/A An agent can use terminals to read bulletins and news.
Trained 1125 An agent can hack ATMs, computers and security consoles.
Advanced 2250 An agent achieves a moderate increase in detection countdowns and a moderate decrease in in lockout times, as well as gaining the ability to control gun turrets.
Master 3750 An agent is an elite hacker that few systems can withstand.


Skill Level Time to Hack Access Time Detection Penalty ATM Credits Abilities
Trained 10 sec 25 sec Lose all bioenergy 50%
Advanced 5 35 Lose all bioenergy 100% Turret control
Master 2.5 60 Lose 50 bioenergy 150% Turret control

Hacking, which is available starting at the trained level, allows access to a computer system without the use of logins and passwords. While convenient, hacking is not necessary to complete the game, since the logins and passwords of all mission-critical computers can be obtained from some in-game source.

Hacking is performed using the "ICE Breaker" feature, which appears at the top-right corner of the screen when a computer or console is accessed. Once the hack has been completed, the available time remaining for access will dwindle, as indicated by the progress bar. If time expires, you will be thrown out of the system, you will lose bioelectrical energy and, in some cases, an alarm will sound. To avoid this, terminate access before the time expires by hitting the Escape key or, alternatively, clicking the Exit button. It is preferable to make sure that the ICE Breaker is sufficiently recharged before attempting another hack.

The higher your skill, the faster you can can hack into a system and the longer you can stay logged onto a hacked system. Your skill level also determines the amount of credits that can be extracted from an ATM via hacking (as opposed to entering the account login).

Additionally, the ability to control turrets is available starting at the advanced level. Note that some turrets can be disabled by simply disabling the controlling security camera. Thus, the advanced skill level is not necessary to disable camera-linked turrets. However, not all turrets are linked to a security camera. Some may instead be triggered from another source, such as a laser tripwire, in which case the ability to control turrets in order to disable them is still useful.

Hackable devices[]

  • Personal computer terminals – Numerous computers belonging to various characters can be found throughout the game. Hacking into these will usually yield e-mails that are sometimes useful.
  • Security computer terminals – At the level of trained or higher, the player can hack into security consoles to open and unlock doors, and disable security cameras. Upon reaching the advanced level, the player gains the ability to set the targeting parameters of automated turrets to "Allies", "Enemies", "Bypassed" (inactive), or "Everything."
  • Public banking terminals (ATMs) – The amount of credits you can steal depends on your skill level, ranging from 50% to 150% from trained to master, as listed in the table above. Hence, at the trained level, logging in with a PIN number is more lucrative than hacking, but the opposite is true at the master level. After successfully hacking into an ATM once, it goes out of service for the remainder of the mission.