Deus Ex Wiki

Cloak is a subdermal augmentation in Deus Ex. It is a nanotechnological augmentation that renders the user invisible to organic hostiles.

This augmentation is installed from the augmentation canister that also includes Radar Transparency. Since there are two subdermal slots and more than one copy of this canister, it is possible to acquire both Cloak and Radar Transparency by using a second copy of the canister.


Subdermal pigmentation cells allow the agent to blend with their surrounding environment, rendering them effectively invisible to observation by organic hostiles.

  • TECH ONE: Power drain is normal.
  • TECH TWO: Power drain is reduced slightly.
  • TECH THREE: Power drain is reduced moderately. 
  • TECH FOUR: Power drain is reduced significantly.


When activated, Cloak renders the user invisible to humanoids and creatures.

Cloak does not prevent detection by robots, security cameras, and turrets (invisibility to mechanical objects is instead provided by Radar Transparency). Cloak also does not prevent detection by laser tripwires.

Each upgrade tier decreases energy consumption:[1]

Tier Energy Consumption
Tech 1 300 units/minute
Tech 2 249 units/minute
Tech 3 198 units/minute
Tech 4 150 units/minute

Cloak is tied with Radar Transparency for the highest energy consumption rate of any augmentation. Energy consumption can be further reduced by using the Power Recirculator.

Canister locations[]

See also[]


  1. The base value of energy consumption (300) is multiplied by 1.00, 0.83, 0.66, and 0.55 (from tech 1 to tech 4), as defined by the LevelValues for AugCloak in DeusEx.u.